Monday, May 25, 2015

Sails on the Horizon: A Look at the Minnesota Norsemen off season.....

It's already been a busy and productive off-season for our Minnesota based Norsemen. General Manager Blake Wendt has been quite active as this report called, "Sails on the Horizon" shows...

Sails on the Horizon: A summary of the off-season moves for the Minnesota Norsemen...

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Revised Goalie Usage Rule for 2015-16 Season...

  We're announcing a slight rule change to the goalie usage section of the rules. (Goalie usage details can be found under Section Q.) Specifically, section 3 has been altered to avoid the problem should a team not have enough goalie eligibility to cover a 7 game series. The prior rule addressed the shortage issue resulting from injury. We realize that a team with just two goalies, neither of whom had enough eligibility to play 7 games, put us in a place we didn't clearly feel the rules addressed.

  Should a team, for any reason, enter the playoffs with inadequate eligibility to get through 7 games, this team will be required to sign before the first game of the series, the FA goalie with the lowest available save percentage. This goalie will be paid $25K.

Obviously, no playoff team will want to do this, so it's far, far better to plan ahead and make sure you have ample eligibility in nets to go 7 games.

Thanks to Paul and Bobby for their assistance in developing the adjusted language...

This rule goes into effect for the 2015-16 CCHL Season....