Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Millers season preview Part 3

Georgetown Millers Season Preview


1. James Reimer - Starting his 3rd season in net, Reimer is expected to play around 50 games, barring any long-term injuries. A save percentage around .915 is a must if he wants to avoid losing time to Ryan Miller.

2. Ryan Miller - Signed in the off-season to a 2-year deal, Miller is expected to start 30 games, 40 at the most. He may be the best backup G in the league.

3. Steve Mason - Acquired recently for Scott Wilson, Mason is in the last year of his contract. Unless an unexpected trade or a long-term injury hits the top 2, Mason will be lucky to see the ice unless absolutely necessary. Rumor has it once Christopher Gibson was acquired Mason was being shopped.

4. Christopher Gibson - Recent waiver pickup will be the man in net for the Millers minor league affiliate, NKY Chinstraps. A longshot to see action this year, the club hopes Gibson can ascend to the big club next season.

5. Peter Budaj - Last season’s co-starter with Reimer has seen his stock plummet, going to the bottom of the depth chart. Medical concerns will prevent Budaj from seeing any game time this season barring an injury crisis.

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