Monday, January 6, 2020

Trade Analysis: Who is making trades?: Don’t buy a house in Fort Erie

From time to time I look at the transactions page and wonder what the heck is going on? Often there is a flurry of trades that I had no idea happened until well after the trades have occurred. I don’t consider myself super active in the trade market, but I do think that I am fairly involved, it got me to wondering. How active am I compared to others? Welcome to the first of a dive in the trade analysis of the CCHL.

I have tried this analysis in the past and got hung up on tracking team relocations and tying existing teams to previous teams that were on the disk, to deal with this I chose to go back only to the start of the 2015 season. There were still some relocations that happened, but it at least allowed for me to handle it without having to go back and
spend significant time wondering who the acronym was and then what team that was now. I just used Excel to search and filter through the data to look for only trades and then break it down by teams trading for and to.

The result is that there were 796 trades from the start of the 2015 season (immediately after the waiver) and Jan 6th, 2020. That is a lot of moves that Bill and co. had to deal with, so thank you, everyone, involved! Getting a total number was fairly easy and likely not worth a blog so I wanted to get a better idea of the teams making moves.

The end result is not really shocking, Fort Erie with 188 moves and Dayton with 187 are well ahead of the pack. Springfield sits almost exactly in the middle, so I guess I was accurate in my assessment of my activity level.

Where does your team sit? Is it where you expected? Are you like me and get very nervous about making the wrong move and have held back?

Next up, with all those trades….who are the most frequent partners? There are a variety of approaches in the league with teams built on trades and through the draft? I wonder if there is a correlation with team success and trades?

Good luck with the upcoming trading deadline!

One caveat, I have no done a deep dive to look at the data and make sure it is all right. My tests seem to indicate that the numbers are true which surprised me for some teams but please let me know if you see anything that looks way off.

Springfield (special thanks to Matt for the title)

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