Saturday, February 29, 2020

CCHL POWER RANKINGS (Week ending 2/29/20)

As the regular season wraps up this coming Thursday evening, we see things becoming clearer and clearer as far as who our 2019-20 playoff teams will be. Seven teams are fighting over the remaining four playoff spots. Dartmouth and Parry Sound can take solace that they lasted until the final five days of the season to be eliminated. They're not mathematically eliminated yet, but they both look to be long-shots to bump somebody else out. Georgetown is a bit closer to a playoff berth, but they need a good week and some help in order for them to be playing this time next weekend.

Here are the latest CCHL Power Rankings:

1. FOR - 13
2. SIB - 16
3. SPR - 39
4. HAM - 43
5. SUD - 47
6. DAY - 54
7. REK - 55
8. SEA - 57
9. VIC - 57
10. GIL -69
11. GEO - 72
12. CAP -72
13. CGY -75

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