Sunday, February 13, 2022

Is a Soviet Tank the Best Kind of Tank?

 Well, after an unexpected start to the season, the Soviet Wings find themselves in a desperate battle with the Crackerjacks to make up a 6 point deficit... The Central Committee was concerned those unnecessary early wins would come back to haunt us, as the largely talent-less squad has shown a great deal of pluck and stubbornness in the face of stronger opposition, as one might expect when Darryl Sutter is behind the bench.

Perhaps a young Finnish import is the man to lead us to the promised land. Some have called on Coach Sutter to bench the unduly prolific duo of Cam Fowler and Hampus Lindholm, but Sutter has responded with a raised eyebrow and a dismissive smirk...
It seems it is all on the shoulders of our goalies... Can Chippewa be caught? Probably not, but let's hope for a spirited sprint to the finish line!

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