Sunday, October 29, 2023

Denver Ice chips

 October 29, 2023

Denver Ice Chips

Recently the Spurs and Falcons worked out a trade.
Heading to Fort Erie was blueliner Matt Roy in return for forward Braden Schenn, blueliner Jan Rutta and $2M.
Roy simply had become a victim of numbers and wasn't seeing ice time in Denver.
It is hoped Schenn will provide some additional scoring from the port side as Olofsson has mysteriously disappeared from the scoresheet this season.
Schenn has supplanted Olofsson on the 2nd line with Olof being relegated to the third line. He will still se time on the 2nd PP unit, though.
Both Schenn & Rutta will have a chance to show their wares as they are slated to play in tonight's game vs. the Georgetown Millers.
Currently the Spurs are in 4th place in the Canosa Conference with 26 points while the Millers are in 1st with 28.
An important Conference game for both clubs.

After the aforementioned deal, the Spurs waived blueliner Mark Friedman due to roster numbers.

Reported by I.P. Daley

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