Sunday, February 9, 2025

CCHL Fundraising!

 Good day everyone,

Well, this is probably my least favorite post every two years but it's that time again where we prepare for the upcoming off-season and seasons.  

I think we have a pretty great league but unfortunately, with that, comes the cost of add-ons that other leagues do not do to take their experience to the next level.  

Unfortunately, that is not free and while I'd love to eat most of that cost myself, the director of finance in my house (the wife) says it's a hard no given how much time I invest in the league as it is to run it.  

With that said, I've been reviewing the costs associated with what we do and some have gone up - such as the simulator which has increased significantly in price for two years compared to what it has been.  I look at it as a negative and a positive.  The negative is that it costs more, but the positive is that he has not lost any subscriptions to the software and it seems to have him working harder on it as we're getting quarterly updates now rather than one or two a year.  He's still committed to it which means it'll keep going for our enjoyment.  

Could we take out the cost like the draft website?  Probably but having experienced the email draft last year when we did the dispersal, it's not something I ever want to experience again as the website keeps it moving faster while eliminating duplicated picks that slow us all down.  

Our web hosting is still a very reasonable price given what Simon T is charging to host sim leagues, so I'm happy that we are saving a bit of money on that front while fulfilling what we need to be able to run the site properly.  

Our costs (in Cdn dollars) for each for two years are below:  

So this is where I turn to the league to help finance our collective passion once again.  Understand I hate asking every two years however, it is sadly necessary.  I could do this annually but I think it would be annoying and with two years commitments, we actually save money on things like the site and the simulator.  

I'll never mandate a "it's going to cost everyone X dollars" because I'm not here to assume everyone's financial situation so I simply ask that you give what you are able to do to support the league.  If everyone gave equal dollars, it would be $22.01 Canadian but I know not everyone can or will do that.  Some will go higher to help offset what some can't while others a bit lower if they contribute at all.  

The last two times we have done this collection, we have always managed to cover the league expenses for the most part.  I did eat a bit extra for the 24-25 season out of my own pocket but I can live with that small amount, but not the whole amount.  Should we somehow collect more than the amount owed, it simply stays in the post to reduce what we could need in 2027 (The Landon Dupont draft!).  

If you can contribute, please let the Commissioner know!  We've had some pretty good support in day one of the campaign but we definitely have a ways to go yet.  

In any event, I appreciate whatever support can be provided for the league and look forward to continuing to operate what I consider the best fantasy/sim league going today.  

Thank you all for your time..........let's keep this thing going!  

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