The 2015 Hockey Disk Player Rater website is back up and running with all content updated for the 2014-15 NHL season.
The website can be found here:
Player rating project
If you're visiting the website for the first time, there's a simple registration process you'll be required to complete. Typical stuff, nothing funky. After that, you'll see two player "cards" appear on the screen, along with a question above them. The questions are all comparative in nature asking things like "Who is the better defender?" "Who is faster?" You click on the icon for the player you believe to be the correct answer. There is an option called "I don't know" if that's the one that suits you the best. and then the screen reloads with a new set of players and questions.
Each person rating is asked to submit roughly four thousand ratings. That sounds like a lot, but with most ratings taking just a few seconds, you can bang out a few dozen in just a few minutes. The site is set-up to allow people to return over and over again to continue rating players. It's important to understand that the project will accept ANY level of contribution a person is comfortable providing. There is a nifty section that shows your progress and the overall project's progress as well.
The more people that participate in this project each year, the better and faster we get to see the new disk! As the APBA Sim Hockey Community endeavors to keep this game we all enjoy so much alive and healthy, this is a way that all APBA-ers can contribute.
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