Tuesday, April 21, 2015


Springfield Homers not feeling at home?

By: John Arbuckle, Sports: Springfield Today

  As the Springfield Homers embark on a new season it appears that it will go as rocky as expected.  The team took its chances last year in an attempt at a playoff berth and failed and now find themselves in the unenviable position of missing the post season and also not low in the standings in terms of a lottery pick.

  GM Aaron Stacey has had an uneven term over his years in the league but now appears to finally tearing down the team in an effort to build for the future.  It is expected that more than half of the active roster will not be with the team next year as numerous UFA's will be released and a variety of players have already been moved. 

  Fan favorite Brent Burns was expected to sign with the team but some confusion in the team office resulted in Burns declaring himself an UFA and today was dealt for a prospect. Resident whipping boy Phil Kessel has also been moved in what is seen as a cost cutting endeavour, bringing in rising star Nichuskin may soften the blow but he is years away from having an impact.  Gone too is Kris Russel, dealt to favorite trading partner Fort Erie.  It is expected that Marc-Andre Fleury will 
remain with the team but players such as Jaromir Jagr, Martin Brodeur, and James Wisniewski will be hitting the free agent 

  It is safe to say that last year didn’t go as planned for Springfield and the result is significant turn over on the roster going into next year.  With all the new faces expected next year it will be a wonder if the Homers will even feel at home in their dressing room.

[Update: 04/21/2015]

  It has been announced that the team is now actively shopping recently resigned David Krejci, it appears the trading of Burns was the final straw as Krejci has formally requested to be moved.  It will mean yet another change in the dressing room but could create opportunity for some younger players to step in. 

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