Friday, March 16, 2018

Defensive changes in Springfield...

Defensive changes in Springfield...

The playoffs ended earlier than planned for the Isotopes.  Losing in game 7 to eventual Canosa Conference champions Rekajvek in the first round was not in the plans that GM Stacey drew up.

“People forget, in that series we were up 3-1.  Then they just beat us.  The only positive we beat them three times and after our series they only lost one more game before the finals”, said Stacey.

This is likely a little bit of revisionist history; simply put the Puffin outclassed the ‘topes in a thrilling series.  After the series there was time to reflect on what went wrong and what went right in 2017-18. 

One of the clear messages that came from the unofficial survey (Table 1) was that the team was weak on defence.  The team has made some changes with veterans A. Greene, M. Staal, and N. Schultz all expected to leave the team via free agency there are roster spots to fill.  So far this off season Springfield has brought in J. Bouwmeester, K. Alzner, and J. Spurgeon to shore up the defence and round out the abilities a bit more.

Issue              Responses

Weak D             17

Weak F            4

Weak G            0

Weak GM*    1

Table 1: Survey results for issues in SPR
* likely response from rival GM Matt Young but we can’t be sure
In terms of forwards, much of the team is returning with the exception of B. Saad who was moved in the Spurgeon deal.  A recent trade has been rumoured with M. Perrault being brought in to essentially replace Saad on the wing.

The offseason has really just started but it looks like Springfield is gearing up for another run at the playoffs where this time they hope to advance past the first round.  The Canosa conference was a tight race all season so it won’t be an easy task but the hope is that with a bolstered defence the team can go far!

Springfield times

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