Sunday, October 18, 2020

State of the Loons; NHL Draft edition

 Nothing is normal in 2020 and that also goes for the CCHL. For nearly 20 years the NHL draft provided CCHL general managers a road map during the entry draft. In 2020 - we were on our own, and I for one loved it. Going in to this draft our front office made the decision to prioritize this year's draft as the corner stone of our rebuild. After multiple trades and CCHL dollars we ended up with 31 picks. My favorite aspect of being on our own I loved having to rely on my research, the Loons hired 7 different online "scouts" and from there I put together my own draft board. Obviously it will take a few years until we really know how well our draft went, but for now lets compare my general managing skills to the paid professionals.

1.2    Tim Stutzle : CCHL (2) NHL (3)  Our most criticized pick and biggest gamble even though only 1 spot different the the NHL. 9 out of 10 gms would have gone Byfield but not us after Bob McKenzie got in our ear.                                                                       Stutzle has already has broken his arm so we are not off to a great start - time will tell. Wisborg rating +1

1.22  Jacob Perreault (22) / (27)         Even though he was selected lower in the NHL - we are thrilled to see him end up in Anaheim. Perreault a pure goal scorer alongside an pure passer in Zegras sounds like CCHL                                                                       success. Wisborg rating +7

2.7    Lukas Reichel  (29) / (17)           Not out best bargain but considering its 12 spots in the 1st round it might end up being our most impactful. WIsborg rating -12

2.15  Drew Commesso (37) / (46)       Our favorite pick of the draft. Many CCHL gms snickered when we traded up in the draft and took Commesso at 37. Drew was not expected to be taken til the late 3rd round at best in                                                                the NHL. Wisborg rating +9

3.14  Theodor Niederbach (58)/(51)     Anytime Steve Yzerman agrees with your pick you can't help but have high hopes. WIS rating -7

3.20   Yan Kuznetsov (64)/(50)            Strong D minded defenseman with offensive upside. Went to Calgary so may end up with Eugene at some point. WIS rating -14

5.3    Ian Moore  (91)/(67)                    Was on our radar due to being a local kid - Bob Murray and I have a special mind meld going. WIS rating -24

5.11  Emil Heineman (99)/(43)             Our first big steal. WIS rating -56

6.8    Theo Rochette  (118)/ NA           Our first big dud. Our scouts loved him, women loved him enough to give him mono. NHL scouts hated him. Hoping for next year and to settle down with a nice lady. WIS doesn't                                                                   rate the misses but we will take a +25 for a 6th round miss.  CAP rating +25

6.18  Ryder Rolston (128)/(139)          We remember the great times we had watching his dad in a Bruins uniform. WIS rating +11

6.21  Thimo Nickl  (131)/(104)              Bob Murray and I at it again. Unfortunately Thimo was sent off to Bismark for Blake Biondi. We will be reconnecting with Mr. Condon in order to bring this Mighty Duck home. WIS                                                                  rating    -27 

7.2  Landon Slaggert  (134)/(79)           Borat would call this a great success! Probably a reach by the Black Hawks but we will take it. WIS rating -55

7.9  Artem Shlaine  (141)/(130)             Artem took the time to like us on twitter when we announced his - we have his back! WIS rating -11

8.2  Lucas Mercuri  (156)/(159)             We thought we reached for him at 156 since he is headed to UMASS but Carolina agreed with us so who knows. WIS rating +3

8.5  Devon Levi  (159)/(212)                 With 31 picks and being weak at goaltending prospect this is where we started to take some chances. WIS rating +53

9.2  Jakub Konecny (178)/(212)            Just happy he was drafted. WIS rating +34

9.4  Wyatt Schingoethe (180)/(195)       WIS rating +15 

9.9  Brayden Peters (185)/ NA               Took a risk on a goalie that didn't work out - hopefully 2021   CAP rating +10

9.11  Will Cranley  (187)/(163)               We hit on the goalie. WIS rating -24

9.12  Garin Bjorklund (188)/(179)          Two in a row! WIS rating -9

9.13  Hayden Fowler (189)/NA               NHL gms didn't want to take a chance on him and his injury history was probably the reason. Was overage going into this draft so probably was a wasted pick for us. CAP rating                                                                     +10

9.18  Oliver Tarnstrom (194)/(92)           Now we're talking! We liked him but not as much as the Rangers. Full credit to out "scout" Larry Fisher on this one. WIS rating -102

10.1  Alex Jefferies  (199)/(121)             We love our local kids and love it even more when NHL teams do too. WIS rating -78

10.5  Trevor Kuntar  (203)/(89)              Ok so ... Let's me honest. We drafted him cause his name was Trevor and he is an American. But then the Bruins drafted him! If we didn't hate Don Sweeney we would be threw                                                                     the roof. WIS rating -114

11.1  Jake Ratzlaff  (221)/NA                 The pick we are most angry about. Our scouts really liked Jake but Jake screwed us. Just make up your damn mind Jake! He is still deciding between hockey and football. I'm                                                                       sure not being drafted won't help him pick hockey. We still think highly of him and will hope for next year.  CAP rating +5

11.2  Max Glotzl  (222)/NA                     We are just sad about this one. We bragged about what a steal he would be for us after drafting him and now we look like idiots. Let's hope he works on his shot and gets drafted                                                                   next year. CAP rating +5

11.22 Riley Duran (242)/(182)               A home run for us as Riley was selected by his home town team the Bruins. Again with Sweeney picking who knows - but we love our Bruins in Capeside. WIS rating -60

12.1  Tucker Tynan (243)/NA                We knew that this was likely a wasted draft pick after a horrendous injury was likely to scare off NHL teams. We believe in Tucker and hope he rebounds and is drafted next year. 
                                                              CAP rating of -5 (we are taking a - since its a feel good story)

12.2  Tomas Chlubna (244)/NA             We couldn't even find his picture on the internet so we didn't have high hopes. CAP rating 0

12.7  Alex Ljungkrantz (249)/(90)          We would be running our mouths here but we will save that for our next pick - plus this has a big bust factor but who care is was pick 249 for us. WIS rating -159

12.11 Gage Goncalves (253)/(62)        HOME RUN! Credit to Bill Placzek for this one. He was higher on our list and honestly we just forgot about him as he blended in with all the cross outs. This second year eligible                                                                    player put on muscle to go with his strong offensive skills.  Nothing beats getting a NHL second rounder on the stanley cup champs in the 12th round! WIS rating -191

How many of you made it to the end of this blog to see me pat myself on the back? So for the final results.......... I was a -765 overall!!!!!! If i can bring my scouts with me (Cam Robinson, Bob McKenzie, Larry Fisher etc) I think it may be time for me to take over for Don Sweeney, right? I would love to do the draft like this every year

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