Sunday, April 4, 2021

Amos End of Season!

 Man.. What a run it was. You would have bet on us to lose in a 7th game in quarter finals vs Siberia?

Not even me!

Round #1 vs ISL

Won 4 - 2

Starting the Playoffs without our best players Logan Couture wasn’t an easy task even though we did pretty good. We had a 2 games slump after game one. But I was confident that key players would step up. That’s what Couture, Huberdeau & Hamilton did. They pushed us to a 3 wins streak to eliminate the Long Island team in 6 games.

Round #2 vs SIB

Lost 4-3

Starting with no confidence since SIB beaten us 6 times in 6 confrontation. But then, Patrice Bergeron was injured in game 1. This brings us a quick push of confidence. I was our chance to shine. But with a big rivalry in game 2, an injured Dougie Hamilton threw our confidence back down again. Big part of our PP, we knew Dougie wasn’t a player easy to replace. But we kept pushing and even in game 6 with our back against the wall, Andrei Vasilevskiy sent a powerful message that we weren’t dead yet! The reality hits us hard in game 7, with a couple of tired players including an exhausted Vasilevskiy, our great run ended in the wall in Siberia..

I want to thanks all the fans, players, coaches who was part of the insane run. I want to congrats Matt as a rookie commissioner who did an amazing job throughout the missing GMs. I want to wish best of lucks to the last 4 standing. Anything is possible at this point!
We will be ready to discuss transactions as a small list of available players in coming out!
I learnt a lot as a rookie GM and now I am hunger for more!

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