Sunday, February 19, 2023

Chippawa Crackerjacking

 It’s both humbling and entertaining to have opponent organization GMs use you as the butt of their jokes. There’s also something vindicating about learning and growing through your method and approach when you have success.

 It hasn’t been easy over the last three seasons for the “Jacks” and at this time it seems an inevitability that we will make our first playoff run. That isn’t the plan though. The plan is to create a responsible balanced team that will be able to compete hard as we make smart draft decisions and create a continual funnel of talent. 

Taking our time with players like Knizhov will hopefully payoff and next season there will be substantial turnover in the roster bringing in some younger talent to replace the veterans that are leaving. This process will continue in the coming years and hopefully will result in a cost controlled and competitive team with the opportunity to add top tier talent for a championship push, but that is possibly many years down the road. 

The challenge now is to trust the process, plan and execute. There are no illusions of success but, we also won’t steal the joy from our players for any success they achieve in the coming years. That’s sports. That’s hockey. 

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