Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Someone took the ‘Spring’ out of Springfield

The 2018/19 season has not been kind to the Isotopes.  They currently in 11th in the Canosa Conference and 20th overall in the league and have no spring in their step.  Do you remember when GM Stacey predicted a run at the finals this year? Do you remember a time when that seemed possible? Do you even remember having dreams that weren’t nightmares?

The team is stacked with NHL talent that is clearly not ready for the rigours of the CCHL season.  The team overall rating is 73, tied for highest in the league, at some point the finger has to be pointed not at the players but at the GM/Coach who can’t seem to put those players in a winning position.

One of the biggest areas of concern is the powerplay. I want you to look at these numbers, if you are an Isotopes fan please look away as the stats may make you vomit:

Powerplay Opportunities / Powerplay Goals

4   /  0

3   /   0

5   /   0

8   /   1

2   /    0

2   /    1

2   /    0

5   /    0

No, this is not fake; the Isotopes have scored 2 powerplay goals in the last 8 games.  For those keeping score, that is a rate of 6%.  When the top teams are scoring on more than 30% of their powerplay chances it makes you wonder what is going on.  The rest of the season isn’t much better with Springfield sitting in second last place for powerplay percentage at 13.3% while below the league average of 23%.

The Isotopes are expecting to field a different look for the powerplay tonight against the Puffin but it is starting to seem like the team is missing more than a spring and is looking like a team that may need to blow up a theoretically championship caliber team that can’t seem to score any goals when it is supposed to be the easiest time.

Spring(less)field Times reporter, name without out of embarrassment.


Spring(less)field ;)

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