Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Paddy O’Furniture interviews the newly crowned champion of the CCHK, Reykjavik Puffin GM Chris Wolter...

On special assignment from the WHL, Belfast Blast team spokesman, Paddy O’Furniture, recently caught up with Reykjavik Puffin GM Chris Wolter to discuss his team’s 2016 success…

Chris, I’ve gotta ask you, a 19 game unbeaten streak?  Are you kiddin’ me?  How did you lads pull that off?

Yeah, I can answer that? During much of the season, while we were scoring and losing, equally, many of the beat writers who handle things like the power rankings kept suggesting more defensive help along the blueline.  We made several efforts, but either it was too early for someone to deal or they wanted someone from our core.  Through minor deals, we added Max Talbot, Kyle Brodziak and Nick Spaling to Ben Smith and had a 4th line checking rotation.  Not a whole lot changed. Eventually we decided, if we can’t stop teams from scoring, then we just needed to score even more goals.  We found a suitable partner in Motormouth McCurdy of Seattle, sending him Talbot, Spaling and Smith and picks for Erik Cole, Carl Hagelin, Darren Helm and cash. They’ve each done their part in all aspects of the game to increase the blitzing style we play.  Everything came together down the stretch and even with minor injuries, notably to Kaner, which, incidently, kept him out a game or two, too long, we were able to sustain the streak.  I believe a guy we expect a lot from next year, who’s been waiting for a bigger role, Michal Neuvirth, even got in and won a game during the streak.  The hardest part of the streak was that it ended, while at the same time, didn’t.

You’ve got your hands in several franchises across the APBA universe….what sets a CCHL championship apart from the rest?

Two aspects of the CCHL make it a greater achievement than other championships: First, the knowledge and level of attention paid by the GMs of the CCHL is probably unmatched. Second, having to allocate funds to 30 players, while keeping them satisfied and hungry, as well as the fan base, is a major challenge to any GM.

Take us through the early days of the Puffin, Chris.

When I first took over the franchise, while we were still in Stockholm, which many members of the CCHL may not remember, we inherited a team in financial crisis, with local faves, Henrik Zetterberg, Nik Lidstrom, in his twilight and Peter Forsberg, still hanging on, hoping.  We started slowly, but knew the only way to move forward was to blow it all up and start again. If memory serves me correctly, GM Bill Corfield of Dayton made me an offer for Lidstrom I couldn’t refuse. The details are hazy, but it involved a Canadian Junior player named PK Subban. Interestingly enough, Barrett Jackman was a member of the Moose at the time, so great to see him come full circle. Gone are the days of Petr Prucha and Jarko Immonen….

After a seemingly deliberately slow rebuild, where do the Puffin turn to keep the squad strong?

First, from within. Vladislav Namestnikov’s continued growth as an all around force (including the Kehler Cup winning goal) as well as Jeff Skinner’s return to relevance as a goal scorer, ought to help keep the Puffin in the front of other GM’s minds.  Poor Jeff might have set a record this year with 82 healthy scratches. I guess more, since he didn’t make a playoff appearance and I think we even scratched him for a practice or two.  I think next season, we’ll see Adam Larsson as a mainstay in the lineup, something we’ve waited quite a while for.  We’ve got a few youngsters who’re looking to make a name for themselves, while they await their chance, Andreas Athanasiou, Devin Shore, Vladislav Kamenev and Anthony Cirelli, to name a few. We’ve traded a lot of picks away the last season or two, so getting back on the draft track for 2017-18 is a huge priority. We’ll pay attention during the UFA process, but have no players on the radar as yet.

Although you’ll want to tell me how it is totally a team effort, where can you lay some individual praise for the season’s success? 

Well, it truly is a team effort, and so many guys have had stellar seasons. Players have got to constantly be ready for their next shift, their next game, their next shot, and so on.  That being said, Oliver Ekman-Larsson has been a model of consistency on and off the ice. He’s still very young and the sky’s the limit, but the kids already look up to him.  PK is everywhere, in his opponent’s faces, reporter’s faces, aware of the goal at all times. Claude Giroux overcame a slow start to the season to be amongst the league scoring leaders. And Vlad. All Vlad Tarasenko wants is to win. I’m so happy for the kid. Who can forget Marian Gaborik? Wow, who would have expected 50 goals?  He’s made $9,000,000 look like a bargain.

OK, the difficult part, who’s not coming back?

I have to start with the playoff revelation named Anton Volchenkov.  Anton was the squad’s only blueline addition for the stretch run. Due to the effort he constantly gives, he’s made a career out of missing games.  He sure came to play in these playoffs: a goal and 7 assists in 12 games, before reinjuring himself, forget about it! He’s already advised us he’s hanging’em up.  Erik Cole has played a strong game, but he’s another guy whose body just can’t do it anymore.  The cash that reigned on us from Seattle will help us pay Erik off. Brodzy, well, I don’t see how he makes it back into the fold, though I wouldn’t be opposed to signing him once he’s exposed.

Any finals thoughts to leave the community with before the celebrations begin?

We send out congrats on a wonderful season to Eugene Yip of the Calgary Chinook. Losing Price for Game 2 was difficult, but he beat the odds all year and if only the aging Bryz could have come through, who knows what happens. Thanks go out to the always willing trade partner Matt Young of the Fort Erie Falcons, who hung around longer than I think even he expected.  Matty probably deserves an engraving on the Cup. The Puffin franchise send out thanks to the Dayton Musicmen and GM/Commish Bill Corfield, who we secretly wanted to face (but didn’t really want to) in the finals to avenge our back to back finals losses in the now defunct LHL. Bill and his Ronin compatriot Paul aka the voice of reason Canosa have created quite an elaborate league with everything one could want in one place.  Thanks also to the other league office members, Jason Mote, Chris Kash, Bobby Nicol and team GMs who give their all to make the CCHL the class act that it is.

There ya have it folks, the grinning face of GM Chris Wolter of the CCHL Kehler Cup champion Reykjavik Puffin!   Raise a pint, will ya?

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