Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Dayton Shows Discipline and Patience In Win Over Thunder

You could see it coming.

The very young Musicmen team jumped up to a 3-0 lead by the middle of the second period, but all was not well.

They lost their best defenseman, Fedor Tyutin after just one minute. Tyutin had been on the ice for roughly 45 seconds when he went behind his net to retrieve the puck after a Niagara Falls dump-in. As Tyutin reached for the puck, Shane Doan slammed into him with his shoulder. Tyutin dropped immediately and needed help leaving the ice.

The team announced after the game that Tyutin should be in the lineup tomorrow night when Ottawa comes to town. "Fedor sustained a severe stinger and couldn't feel his right arm for about 90 minutes. As the evening went on, he began to regain feeling in the limb and as of 20 minutes ago, reported no issues," said Frost Whitman, Dayton's trainer.

In the second period, Dayton lost two more defensemen. First, Matt Tennyson left after twisting his right ankle in a pileup in front of the Dayton goalmouth. Next, Francois Beauchemin to a lower-body injury after he blocked a shot by Niagara's James Neal. It's not expected to be serious, but the loss of two other defensemen left the Musicmen with just three blueliners left to play the last 35 minutes of the game.

Patrick Wiercioch, Mark Stuart, and Jyrki Jokipakka would have to step up and deal with it.

By the time the game was over, and of course, tonight had to go to overtime, Wiercioch logged 32 minutes, Jokipakka had 21 minutes played and Stuart, who wasn't supposed to play very much at all, logged 11 minutes.

Stuart and GM Bill Corfield reportedly had words after the pre-game skate regarding Stuart's ice time. Corfield was seen speaking in a very animated way with the defenseman at the Musicmen bench, after which Stuart slammed his stick against the boards and skated away. Corfield then apparently put the word out to let Stuart sit on the bench but not play unless he was absolutely needed.

After three defensemen left due to injuries, it was time for Stuart to hit the ice.

The Thunder fought back and by 10:45 of the 3rd period, found itself in a 4-4 game.

Despite losing all the momentum Dayton had built up in the first half of the game, they came out for the overtime flying.

Derek Ryan won his 8th faceoff of the game and moved the puck to Stuart at the left point. With Dylan Larkin planted in front of the Thunder net, Stuart directed a slapshot that bounced off Larkin's ass and skipped into the net past Pekka Rinne for the game-winning goal.

" I was the extra forward tonight and didn't expect to play very much. After Mac (Nate MacKinnon) broke a skate blade and had to leave the ice, Coach tapped me on the shoulder and said if we win the faceoff, I should go screen the goalie. It worked out, I guess..." said Larkin.

Larkin's GW was his fourth goal of the season.

Who's Next?

Ottawa comes to town for a game tomorrow night at 7:05pm. Tickets are still available.

They said it:

"Those guys really stepped up. Patty, Jyrki and Mark did what they had to in the third. I have to say Stuart played very well in the third after we decided to use him. He set up our last two goals. Without him, we probably lose."

Dayton GM Bill Corfield

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