Monday, September 4, 2017

Dayton's Kids Respond with 7-3 Win in Seattle!!!

Dayton's Jake Guentzel posts a 5 pt. night vs. Reign
After an embarrassing 9-1 opening night defeat in Fort Erie, veteran Thomas Vanek called out his fellow forwards for "not playing smart."

Apparently, the younger Musicmen were listening...

Led by Jake Guentzel's five point night (2+3) and three point efforts from both Alex Barkov (1+2) and Nate MacKinnon (0+3) Dayton clobbered the Seattle Reign 7-3.

The first period was a sluggish affair as both teams combined for just 13 shots on goal as Seattle led by a 2-1 score at the first intermission.

While the stats suggest that Seattle actually dominated in offensive zone time (11:18 minutes to just 7:38 for Dayton) the game seemed mostly even with shots after two periods in SEA's favor 16-14.

"It wasn't the greatest game ever played by both teams, that's for sure," said Guentzel." I think Seattle has some issues like we do, so it wasn't the sharpest hockey I've seen, lol..."

Regardless of the quality, the Musicmen slowly took control of the game, outscoring the Reign 6-1 from the second period on. The Monahan, Guentzel & MacKinnon line seemed especially effective. That trio combined for ten points and ten shots on goal in the game.

Seattle's Corey Crawford, who was reportedly ill prior to the game with the flu, stopped just 16 of the 23 Dayton shots on net.  "If I'd been feeling a little bit better, I'm sure I would've played better. It was that crap GM McUrdy made for us to eat in the pre-meal. Nobody knew what it even was and it smelled like a rotting shoe or something. But, when the GM says "here you go boys - try this," you try it...ugh..."

Three Stars of the Game:

1st: Guentzel
2nd: Barkov
3rd; MacKinnon

News & Notes: 

Jonathon Drouin skated yesterday and reportedly could've played but was held out as a precautionary measure. Drouin is expected to dress for Tuesday's game. Defenseman Jyrki Jokipakka is expected to be in the press box.

Up Next:

Dayton travels to Dartmouth for their next game Tuesday night...

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