Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Corfield lays down the law on Severson and others for plane stunt...

Severson, Smith and Pominville are in trouble!!!
Newly elected Captain of the Dayton Musicmen, Damon Severson, newly acquired goalie Mike Smith and veteran forward Jason Pominville apparently conspired to  have the team avoid playing the Hamilton Tigers last night by bribing the assigned pilot from the charter company, substituting another professional pilot that "somebody knew..." to take them to a private chalet located in Yellow Knife, CA.

Also of concern is the fact that Dayton GM Bill Corfield was apparently tied up with duct tape and left in the men's bathroom for over an hour.

Here is the transcript of Corfield post-game remarks...

Ladies and gentlemen...

The three players responsible for today's stunt, Damon Severson, Mike Smith and Jason Pominville have all been suspended for the rest of 2017. The Dayton organization does not take lightly the horrible choices each player chose to make today. It was selfish and beyond stupid.

We are performing a top-down comprehensive review of our security procedures to ensure this never happens again.

We are also considering legal action against the "ACME Charter Company" based in Columbus, OH for the actions of their pilot.

I'd like to say we are immensely disappointed at the conduct of Smith and Pominville. They're both veterans and how they cooked up this stupid-ass stunt, well, I can't begin to make sense of it. Further, to drag Severson into this was one of the worst things I've ever seen in all my years in hockey.

Both Smith & Pominville are UFA's after this season is over. Pominville we've expected to go into the FA bidding process in the coming off-season. We suspect that his role in this caper will negatively affect those chances.

Mike Smith, on the other hand, was supposed to be an asset that would either serve as our number one goalie next season or bring us a decent asset before next season began. Mr. Smith should remember he has no right to block any trade.

I ought to trade his ass to Wisborg...

For his part in going along with this nonsense, Damon Severson has had the captaincy removed effective immediately. This was no way for our captain to act. No excuses.

We've given Dan Girardi the C for the rest of the season. Matt Nieto and Derek Ryan will continue to serve as alternates.

We understand that the players association has already filed an appeal over the player's suspensions and according to the most recent collective bargaining contract, each will be permitted to dress and play in games. All will be permitted to practice with the rest of the team.

We'll await the final ruling on this matter.

Thank you - Good night...

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